About This Website

Holiday Rentals Wales


This website exists purely to help people looking for holiday accommodation in Wales to get in touch directly with owners who have such accommodation available.

This website is not connected with any of the listings on here – we encourage you to visit the websites of the owners to find out more about what they have to offer, prices, availability etc

tenby holiday rentals, tenby west wales holiday rentals photos


This website helps to promote Wales holiday rental accommodation for free.  Allowing rental holiday owners to list their property wherever they are located in Wales.
It aims to help visitors to Wales find what they are looking for with regards to places to stay as well as giving a few helpful tips on places to visit and let’s be fair – Wales has so much to offer.

wales holiday rentals


If you have a holiday home, B&B, serviced apartment, FarmHouse or any other alternative accommodation anywhere in Wales, then you can list it here.

A bit about your Author :-

I am originally from Cardiff but moved away to work many years ago, firstly Australia and later in the Netherlands, then back to London and finally back to Cardiff again.  In between all that whenever I came back to Wales I would travel to various towns and villages all over Wales, meeting the local characters and generally having a great time.

I have always wanted to put this down in print – then the internet came along and everything went digital – so I’m just following the path of many now into the online world. Yes – we do have the internet in Wales  – but only on Wednesdays

I have a place of my own now that I rent out on a part time basis, but when it comes to trying to get it noticed, I soon realised that for the average person in the street – the options were limited. So with this is mind I set about seeing what I could do and if it worked for me – then maybe I could offer it to other people in Wales with a holiday home that they wanted to rent out.

And here we are – I have a site, I am adding in pages as I go along all about places to stay in Wales and at the same time there is the chance for anybody else like me to send me their experiences of holidaying in Wales and also to tell others of what they have to offer.  This is an ongoing developing website so I am open to any suggestions of what to add to it.